Everything in the universe vibrates and has its own frequency. Every rock, every plant, every animal, every disease, everything. The frequency of diseases and health have been recorded by Bruce Taino and documented. Add to that, everything that lives are also self-healing. While this self-healing bioenergy is the essence of life, it can be disrupted and broken, especially in our modern life where we are exposed to so many man-made elements. Sound and energy healing have been in existence for a very long time.
It is a Technology is an infusion process that binds bio-frequencies into a highly programmable material that can be worn for positive results on the human body. This bio-generated energy patch, known as “BioEnergy Patches,” is programmed with our patented AFG device and provides the body/mind “bio-field” with information that is transferred through sympathetic resonance, like a mobile bio software program that blends with your body’ s energy. How does your body know how to respond to each patch? Similar to when you get a phone call, your phone is emitting an electromagnetic signal. The signal vibrates at the frequency associated with your phone number, which is how your phone “knows” the call is intended for it. The patch emits a different type of signal — a bio-frequency targeted to support a particular physical system. The combination of frequencies is how your body knows which targeted result the patch is supporting. This product is highly complementary to the rest of our services, offering both short and long-term solutions to acute, chronic injury and pain, as well as, overall health boost and maintenance. The products are charged with frequency of organic substances known to show therapeutic effects on the body. In the wearable format of patch or bracelet it allows clients to continue benefiting from the therapeutic effects long after they have left our facility.
“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” Albert Einstein
The patches used in this therapy have a specific range and are designed to alleviate chronic and acute pain, leading to decreased healing time and faster recovery. This allows for the implementation of other therapeutic interventions, such as soft tissue release and movement/corrective exercise, which were previously limited due to the client's pain. With the introduction of this new tool set, therapists can accelerate the rate of recovery and facilitate the return of clients to their normal function.
Inflammation is a complex process that can have various underlying causes, and therefore, it is essential to identify the specific type of inflammation that a client is experiencing. Using a combination of patches, nutrition, and lifestyle modifications, we can target particular inflammatory problems by addressing both the current symptoms and underlying causes. If left untreated, gut and lymphatic issues can progress to chronic conditions or even autoimmune diseases, especially if there is a predisposition.
Bio-frequency therapy is a non-invasive treatment that aims to repair weakened frequencies in the body and restore the body's normal functions. The treatment involves the use of thin circular patches that are applied directly to the skin. These patches are chemical-free and emit electrical frequencies that stimulate the body's electro-molecules.
The nervous system then picks up these frequencies, initiating a self-healing and self-regulating process in the body. By improving cellular signaling, BioFrequency therapy can help restore the body's ability to heal itself.
It is important to note that this therapy is not intended to replace any medical treatment and has no known side effects. However, some individuals may experience detox symptoms as the added frequencies cleanse the cells from toxins and inflammation.
Chronic pain can sometimes be caused by underlying issues in the digestive, lymphatic, and visceral systems, rather than purely musculoskeletal problems. When left untreated, chronic pain can lead to further involvement of other bodily systems.
The vibratory rate of the body is a concept that refers to the frequency at which the cells in the body are vibrating. When the vibratory rate falls to around 6,000 units of Bovis (UB), it is believed to be in a state of fatigue and susceptibility to infections. This is because the body's frequency matches that of the microbes that can cause infections, due to the law of resonance or the law of attraction. As the vibratory rate continues to decrease, it is thought to correspond to the development of certain diseases.
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