Jose Palomar MD is an orthopedic surgeon who has made significant contributions to the field of diagnostic technology and therapeutic interventions for receptor dysfunctions, which are also known as Proprioceptive Deep Tendon Reflex (P-DTR). According to his research, proprioception plays a vital role in how the body processes sensations such as hot, cold, pressure, and pain, and is a significant indicator of neuromuscular responses.

Dr. Palomar's methodology is based on the idea that the body's motor functions are modified based on these proprioceptive responses, which help the brain to determine the most appropriate movement and motor response based on various factors.

The human body is constantly receiving feedback from its different parts, and this information is sent to the brain for processing. This feedback helps the brain make decisions regarding our movements and other bodily functions. However, sometimes this information is incorrect, which can lead to pain and dysfunction. P-DTR® is a technique that aims to address these issues by using neural challenges specific to the involved dysfunctions and muscle tests, in combination with proper stimulation of the deep tendon reflex. By doing so, P-DTR® helps to make immediate and lasting improvements in restoring function.

    Is It Possible to Diagnose Dysfunctions in the Mechanoreceptor System?

        As with computers, hardware problems are best addressed at the level of the hardware, but when the problem is at the level of the software, no amount of work on the hardware can fix the problem. Everyone knows that muscles move the body and the brain moves the muscles. Fewer are familiar with the simple fact that it’s the mechanoreceptor system (software) that provides the brain with the information it needs to tense and release muscles as needed for good functioning and pain-free living. Without accurate “uncorrupted” information from the mechanoreceptor system, the brain-muscle connection cannot function optimally. Breakdowns in this communication can result in chronically weak or chronically tensed muscles showing up as pain and/or difficulty with movement.

    Neurological Assessment Includes:

        Neurological organization assessment – there are few dysfunctional conditions of CNS – hypertonic response, hypotonic and switch. In any of those states, the performance would be affected.

        • Level of stress of CNS – how your CNS is adapted to the daily performance and its activities. The Adrenal Fatigue can cause many problems – problems with digestions, headaches, problems with sleep, brain fog, low level of concentration, emotional disbalances, musculoskeletal pains, etc. That means that CNS can't coop with daily activities and get exhausted very fast. The cause of the Adrenal Fatigue could be structural, emotional or biochemical.
        • General stimulus adaptation – that includes the CNS response for a different challenge – light, smell, sounds, etc. In general, it's crucial to feel safe and concentrated in any kind of environment. Sometimes the bright light or specific smell could cause brain fog during important meeting. As a result, the person will not be able to perform at his best, but the cause would be not his lack of skills, but the des-adaptation of his CNS to the particular stimulus, for example retina receptors dysfunction.
        • Motor skills adaptation – talking is our daily activity. But what happens if talking causes stress to the CNS? At the business meetings we have to be able to talk very clearly. If the actual talking causes stress that would influence the outcome of your efforts.
        • Multitasking – consciously we can't multitask, but the healthy CNS is able to process at least 3 tasks subconsciously at the same time. Optimal performance will include at least 5-10 tasks.
        • Emotional assessment – neurological emotions are totally different from our conscious emotions. In PDTR we assess
        • Food intolerance – sometimes a cup of coffee can cause a brain fog. There are certain reasons for that. Healthy CNS should be adapted to any food (true food intolerance occurs very rarely, most of the time its functional issue)
        • Posture and gait assessment. People who work in business should demonstrate their strong characters on all levels, the proper straight posture and gait is the sign of a healthy organized CNS.
        • Cognitive performance – ability to think and interpret the information clearly. Very often the cognitive functions are affected by all above mentioned conditions.
        • Self-motivation and priorities, managing time and self-resources, self-esteem and efficient performance.



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